Monday, 29 December 2014

2015 Goals.

Monday, 29 December 2014
Now that Christmas is over and my jeans became a bit too tight, I can plan my 2015 goals. Realistic goals.
We all do that, we all plan new goals for the new year -don't deny it- but the tendency is to plan unrealistc goals, which we know we'll never realize and most of the time it's because of our laziness. Am I right? 
So, here are my goals which I'll do my best to achieve (if not, please remind me of this blogpost):

♦ This is pretty material, but something that I wanted for so long: a DSLR camera, because photography has a relevant importance in my life and I need something that can give me more. If only cameras weren't so expensive...
♦ I wanna try to post 4 to 5 blogposts a week & follow more blogs, because I don't always have time (or patience) to scroll through bloglovin' and find new blogs;
♦ It will be hard, but I have to remind me of myself;
♦ I have to bring along the few things that I've learned (click) during this year, because they're very, very important;
♦ Last but not least, decide if I want to go back to Uni or not. I think this is the biggest one.

What are your goals for 2015?


  1. Happy New Years. I'm all about enjoying where I am right now and not being over-focused on the future.

    1. Oh, you're right. I wish I'd do the same, but I'm pretty scared of the 'unknown' so I need to plan things.

      Happy New Year!


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