Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Eva & Rudy.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
 Let me introduce you my two little fluffy friends...

Eva is 8 month old and she's the fluffiest thing in the world. She's very clever, friendly and she acts like a dog, sometimes (I'm not joking, trust me). I'm a huge fan of guinea pigs, because they're pretty clever as rodents and each one is different 'cause they have their own personality. 
I've already had a guinea pig, when I was 7 and he lived for 7 long years! But he was the exact opposite of Eva: he was pretty anxious, nervous and he used to bite everything, even my fingers, so I was a bit scared when I adopted her, but everything went fine.
She eats a lot and she poops a lot, yes. A joy for me. Oh, and she also likes to sleep in my arms and this, my friends, makes my heart melts everytime.

Uuuh, a guinea pig and a cat, isn't it dangerous for the guinea pig? Oh no, for Rudy it's like Eva doesn't exist. When he first saw her, he was curious, of course, and he used to go near to the cage and sniff around but nothing more. 
This green-eyed cat is 8 years old and I think he's a dog reincarneted in a cat. Yep.
Rudy came to my house when he was about 2, I think, and when one day I openend the front door and I saw my brother and his ex gf coming with her cat I almost freaked out because one, I didn't know what was going on and two, at that time I hated cats, because of a cat that my family and I had when I was little: he literally scratched my face and thanks God, I didn't lose an eye. So from that time I said 'nope, cat, no no I don't like them' and so it was until he arrived. 
Now we love each other! :)

Oh, one last thing, we've always had pets in our house and since I can remember my dad's always said 'I don't want pets anymore'
Yeah, dad. No pets. Anymore.

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